Make Up Your Mind!

“But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself…”

Daniel 1:8a

The mind becomes defiled before the actions do.  If we clean out the inside of the cup, then the outside becomes clean, too.

Daniel knew that if he made up his mind to be an undefiled man, then that was the man he would be.  Be careful to not confuse preference with conviction.  Daniel didn’t prefer to not be defiled.  He was convicted in his heart and mind that he would not be defiled.  The choice was made before the temptation showed up.

Everyone prefers to have a happy marriage over a divorce, but have you made up your mind to live a ‘til death do us part life together?

We all prefer to live honest lives, but have you made up your mind that lying is never an option?

It is my preference that I be a godly, involved parent, but have I made up my mind to be that way?

When we have conviction and purpose to be kind instead of vengeful, helpful instead of hurtful, selfless instead of selfish, then the outcome is already decided.

Ask yourself – what kind of person have I made up my mind to be?

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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