“Those who make them [idols] will be like them, Yes, everyone who trusts in them.” (Psalm 135:18)
Turns out that whatever we ‘idol’-ize shapes us into who we are. Love money? It will make you suspicious of anyone who might take it and hungry to manipulate whomever you might get it from. Finders keepers, losers weepers. Greed is a hard and miserly god and it makes hard and miserly people.
Lust is a capricious god. She tells you to follow your heart and your eyes wherever they might wander. She’ll turn you into a wandering fool, shallow, and leave you with heartache, not happiness.
Hatred is a particularly nasty god. You’ll find that he makes you into a nasty soul that only finds joy in the downfall of others. Good becomes bad and bad becomes good… but revenge and malice are never sated so you’ll die unsatisfied and unable to love.
These gods, and others like them (such as pride, cowardice, and laziness) have a way of making us into the villains of our own life story.
After all, who wants their autobiography to begin with “He began life as a sweet child and over the years was molded by his lust…”
No idol deserves you. Turn to God and you’ll be molded by the King.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites