Just Clay in His Hands

“Can I not, O house of Israel, deal with you as this potter does?” (Jeremiah 18:6)

Who decides what happens to a nation?  Is it God or is it the people?

Jeremiah gives us the answer.  God decides, but He decides based upon the quality of the people in the nation.  He’s the potter and we’re the clay.

If the clay is too wet, He won’t make anything out of it because it won’t hold a shape.  A people without conviction has to go through the heat of trials to put some principles in them or burn them up.

If the clay is too dry, the Potter will see the hardness and reject it.  A people that are stubborn and unyielding will be faced with the flood until they are washed away or softened up.

The clay decides the fate, but the Potter chooses the future.  All nations face His shaping.  In His wisdom, He knows exactly what to do with all people.

I don’t know what clay our nation is (and that makes me sad sometimes) – but I know exactly who the Potter is, and because of that, I have great hope.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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