Jump From the Stairs

“Yet God is my king from of old, who works deeds of deliverance in the midst of the earth.” (Psalm 74:12)

God never stops being king, we just sometimes forget.  We forget that scary things have happened before and God saw us all through it.  We forget that our fears of what might happen aren’t the same as what will happen.

God has been king for a very long time.  He was old before we were anything at all.  He’s seen it all, done it all, and thought through it all.

Our problems seem big to us because we haven’t faced them before and we see all the facets of them that are out of our control, but God has faced everything and nothing is out of His control.

How would you live if you didn’t have to worry about failing?  Would you make difference choices if you knew it was always going to be okay, no matter what?  We did it as kids.  We jumped from the stairs trusting our fathers to catch us.

Kids don’t carry the burdens adults do because they figure that we all know what we are doing (jokes on them – we don’t!)… but there is a lesson there.  Children get it when it comes to living worry-free.

God’s the king.  Jump from the stairs, be brave and bold, and don’t worry about tomorrow’s troubles.  He’ll take care of those ones, too.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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