He Hides His Plans

“Truly, You are a God who hides Himself, O God of Israel, Savior!” (Isaiah 45:15)

Jehovah reserves the right to veil some of His purposes from us.  It isn’t His responsibility to explain to us every detail of His plans.  The Jews were astonished when they realized that God would offer salvation to the Gentiles as well.  The angels longed to understand the plan of the cross, but were denied such information.  The plans that God makes are beyond our scope of imagination, but they are also always better than our imagination, too.

As His children, we get to watch Him unfold beautiful things for us, but we must wait for His timing and we must trust.  Who knows what sort of wonderful thing He is working in your life right now – don’t let your fears (or your comfort) keep you from seeing what that future will be!  Be brave and courageous.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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