Getting the Best Out of the Worst

“And if you extract the precious from the worthless, you will become My spokesman.” (Jeremiah 15:19)

Jeremiah lived in worthless times.  Big problems, lots of enemies, complaints, trials, and loads of people that didn’t love God.  How on earth does a guy make a difference in a world like that?

He finds the precious in the worthless.  Turns out that life is full of diamonds even when it seems rough.  Political unrest?  What an opportunity to cling to the King of kings.  Loads of anxiety?  Seems like a chance to remember this world is not our home and look upward.

People are angry and frustrated and nasty?  Sounds like a chance for Christians to put our lights on a candlestick and shine, shine, SHINE!

Can we find the precious in the worthless?  I know there are things going on today that might seem like they are a really big deal, but I also know that nobody will care in a thousand years about any of them.  Maybe, just maybe, we can find a way to squeeze the best juice out of the worst times?

Have you hugged your kids?  Have you prayed for your spouse?  Have you talked to your neighbors?  There are precious things around us all the time if we’ll extract the best of times from the worst of times.

Just a thought.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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