Do You Have the Heart for This?

“God left him [Hezekiah] alone to test him, that He might know all that was in his heart.” (2 Chronicles 32:31)

Hezekiah withstood the trial of sickness quite well.  When he became mortally ill, he turned to God.

Hezekiah flourished under the trial of persecution.  When the Assyrians were amassed against him, Hezekiah placed his trust in the King of kings.

But Hezekiah struggled under the trial of success.  When things went well with him, and the Babylonians arrived to stroke his ego and compliment his prosperity, Hezekiah faltered.

We may not always be tried by adversity.  The greatest trial of our heart might be found in our times of ease and success.

Watch out for the stumbling block of your own ego.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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