Divine Silence

“But the LORD is in His holy temple.  Let all the earth be silent before Him.” (Habakkuk 2:20)

What’s the value of silence?  Turns out there are a lot of benefits to quiet.  Silence can help you with insomnia, lead to greater creativity, make you more self-aware, and even lower your blood pressure.  All just by turning the volume down on life for a little bit.

If plain ol’ silence can make that sort of impact – think of what divine silence can do!  What do I mean by divine silence?  I mean what Habakkuk is talking about in the above verse.  Learning to listen to God, meditate on His Word, pray in your inner room, and tune out everything but Him.

That type of silence makes us more God-aware and less self-aware.  It reminds us of who is in charge (and it isn’t me!) and that everything is going to be O-K.  Philippians 4:8 tells us to dwell on what is good and holy – we need that.

Do you know why they call it a ‘pandemic’?  It comes from two Greek words which mean ‘all’  and ‘people’.  All people are affected by things right now and that means all people need the same advice – be silent before Him.  God is the Master Teacher, but are we listening to the lessons?

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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