Delayed Obedience is Disobedience

“Now why do you delay?  Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name.”

(Acts 22:16)

Many will miss heaven simply because they procrastinated.  Delayed obedience is just another way of saying disobedient.  Can you imagine speaking to Jesus on the Judgment Day and trying to explain why you were too busy to accept the salvation He died to give you?  I doubt that will go over too well.

When you know the right thing to do – do it.  Paul knew he was a sinner, and Ananias knew the answer was baptism.  There was no reason to delay, and Ananias urged Paul to show some hustle in his obedience to Jesus.  Thankfully, Paul heeded the advice!

Procrastinating obedience is a sin.  Don’t get tricked into delaying the most important things in life.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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