“They went out and preached that men should repent.”
(Mark 6:12)
When Jesus sent out the twelve, repentance was their message, and it was a timely one. Repent means ‘to change one’s mind,’ and today, like then, there are a lot of things we need to be changing our minds about.
We need to change our minds about how important things are – it’s just stuff; let it go.
We need to change our minds about life – it isn’t how you start; it’s how you finish that counts.
We need to change our minds about other people – we need to see them as souls and remember we share a common Creator.
We need to change our mind about self – stop thinking about ourselves first; start thinking of others.
We need to change our mind about sin – stop playing with fire and pretending it won’t hurt you. Sin changes us in deep, terrifying ways, and the road to sin is a lot easier than the road out of it.
And we need to change our mind about Jesus. He’s the Man that is more than a man. He’s the Son of Man who’s also the Son of God. He’s Jesus the Savior, and He’s Jesus the King. It’s time we start capitalizing His titles in our hearts and not just in our grammar.
We need more repentance – more if it preached from the pulpit and more of it lived out. It’s the message Jesus gave the twelve to deliver, and the message bears repeating.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites