Appropriate Deeds

“…that they should repent and turn to God, performing deeds appropriate to repentance.”

(Acts 26:20)

You wouldn’t wear swim shorts with a suit jacket because it isn’t appropriate – we shouldn’t perform evil deeds with the title ‘Christian’ on our heads.  To say we love God and then live immoral lives is inappropriate.  It doesn’t match the hope we claim to live by.  Repentance has an expectation of appropriate behavior to match it.

So don’t let foul language out of the same mouth that prays to God – it isn’t appropriate.

Don’t mistreat your coworker with the same life that worships God – it isn’t appropriate.

Don’t abuse and manipulate your spouse with the same heart that is supposed to have Christ in it – it isn’t appropriate.

Instead, let your words, your hands, and your heart be consistent in performing deeds appropriate to a life that has been turned to God.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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