Addicted to New

“Now all the Athenians and the strangers visiting there used to spend their time in nothing other than telling or hearing something new.”

(Acts 17:21)

We have a cultural addiction to newness.  Ironically, that addiction is nothing new; the Athenians had it, too.  We love new technology, new ideas, new experiences, and new philosophy.  Whatever is the latest must be the greatest, right?

Yet, God is called the Ancient of Days for a reason.  His ideas are the old ideas.  His laws and standards are the ancient paths made for all of us to follow.  Chasing the new can lead to forgetting the old.  Furthermore, the love of newness keeps us from growing and maturing.  If I’m always starting over with the latest things, I never grow in things like perseverance or patience.

It is only through commitment to the same old thing that we become better.  Repetition leads to mastery, and patience leads to character.  Following Christ isn’t new, but it is renewing.  The pathway stays the same, but we are transformed, and our hope is renewed day by day.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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