“…and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth”
(Hebrews 11:13b)
We cannot face a struggle until we acknowledge it. Addiction therapy programs have long understood this truth. Recovery begins with confession. Until then, the addict simply tries to mask the problem with rationalizations, and the cycle continues.
People of faith acknowledge the problem with life – they confess themselves strangers and exiles. Until we own the truth that we have eternal souls trapped in mortal bodies, we cannot begin the recovery process from sin. All the great heroes of faith accepted that the reason they weren’t happy on earth was because they were made for heaven. Earth was not their home, and therefore, they would always feel out of place and uncomfortable here.
The temptation is to mask the problem by embracing the world and trying to make earth home. Sin is alluring because it provides temporary, earthly pleasure that creates a false sense of belonging to this world. Don’t fall for it. Accept that you don’t belong and that life here is strange and a struggle. We are living in tents while longing for houses. Only when we die will we be home.
Confess yourself a stranger and exile on the earth and seek a heavenly home. Acknowledge the problem, and you will find recovery in Jesus.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites