A Fearful Faith

And the Lord said to Paul in the night by a vision, “Do not be afraid any longer, but go on speaking and do not be silent;”

(Acts 18:9)

I love this verse.  I love it because of what it teaches me about the apostle Paul.  Paul, in the midst of the trials and opportunities of Corinth, was scared.  I consider Paul to be one of the bravest men to walk this earth, and he was scared.

Fearlessness is not a prerequisite for faith.  If our service to God is given with shaking hands and knocking knees, He will comfort and strengthen us.  Don’t wait for the pangs of distress to dissipate before you serve.  If you wait for that, you will likely never serve at all.

Instead, we lean into the hard and unknown.  Strike out with power, love, and discipline to do what we know we ought.  Volunteer, speak up, take risks, serve others, make sacrifices, and banish timidity through action.  Paul feared, but his fear did not control him.  Respond accordingly.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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