A Sin Purge

“…because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin.” (1 Peter 4:1b)

There is no greater purger of sin than the crucible of suffering.  When we suffer for the sake of obedience, we put skin in the game, and our vested interest in the endeavor expels the sin and even the desire for it.

            For example, when a man invests in his marriage – sacrificing career opportunities, free time, and other selfish pursuits to continually court and woo his wife, that man is far less likely to have a wandering eye.  His efforts drive out the temptation and the opportunity for it.

            When our obedience to Christ costs us something (time, money, freedoms, comfort, etc.), our commitment removes the temptation.  You will never cease from a sin you are comfortably ensconced in.  Conversely, you will jealously guard that which has cost you blood, sweat, and tears to build.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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