A New Song

“Sing to the LORD a new song, sing His praise from the end of the earth!” (Isaiah 42:10)

Is your heart full of new songs for the Lord?

We sing a new song when something has changed in a wonderful and glorious way.  The psalmists sang new songs when they saw something new and beautiful in God’s Word (Psalm 33) or when God had saved them from some horrible trial (Psalm 40).  The New Testament talks about the new song we have because of what Jesus did for us (Rev. 5:9).

Psalm 96 says that we sing new songs so that the lost might hear of the glory of our awesome God.  We can’t sing of what our hearts have not recognized.  Our eyes must be open to seeing new delights in His Word and our hearts must be open with gratitude for what beautiful things He has wrought in this world.

A new song comes from a fresh and new outlook on life.  Sometimes, our spiritual life can get stale because of mechanical behavior or hearts weighed down with worries.  Stale hearts need to be refreshed and reminded of who God is and how good we have it!  Counting our blessings helps with that… so does slowing down and looking at the wonder of His creation.  It is hard to not be impressed by the beauty of the stars or the wonder of the wind rustling through a grove of trees.

Whatever you do, find something new to rejoice in.  His goodness has always been there, but if it is new to you, it will refresh the melody in your heart.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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