A Level Playing Field

“I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the level…” (Isaiah 28:17)

In the world, people get ahead because of who they know or who they are related to or perhaps who they were able to bribe.  There are sayings like, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” and “Money talks”.

In Christ, the only way to be the “greatest of these” is through character.  Every one of us stands before the Creator and gives account for our own service.  Who cares whether your family was in the church for generations? That is a blessing for them, but it isn’t a free pass for you.  Who cares if society applauds you as a person of great accomplishment and merit? Secular success is wonderful, but not a replacement for faithfulness.

In Christ, the measurement is justice and righteousness.  No partiality is shown.  It is a truth that is very freeing and quite terrifying all at once.  We cannot be overshadowed by those around us, but we also cannot be hidden behind them either.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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